They are poorly made and when I asked customer service for a replacement pair they blew me off and never responded. Headphones are used in my house almost 24/7.
aws ml cert They are soooooo comfortable! Sono sincero quando affermò che la preferisco alle altre mie cuffie molto costose molto blasonate e diverse per tipologia : dinamiche /planari/aperte /chiuseSia americane sia tedesche sia giapponesi ed anche italiane.
aws ml cert I think it runs kinda small .
aws ml cert If you want to use these speakers for others to listen to than you might want to look into other products. I was never particularly satisfied with the earphones with the standard earbuds, and I found the memory foam earpieces that came with them too hard and uncomfortable. Compré otros un tamaño más pequeño y cuando los usé resbalan no sirven para mí lugar de trabajo.
aws ml cert I found these and wow ,memory foam , arch support, the whole works. Even the stretch marks on the top of my hips have improved!
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