Pass Not worried at allSide by side on a gravel road Pass Not worried at all. So yeah initially they do fit a little snug but if you leave them on the box overnight, theyll stretch just enough and will be comfortable to wear. new skechers glide step O fone também possuí a opção de som ambiente, no qual amplifica o som ao seu redor possibilitando escutar música e escutar o som ambiente ao mesmo tempo. I do NOT have a wide foot. new skechers glide step Später verbinde ich dann den rechten Kopfhörer zuerst und habe direkt eine laute Lautstärke für meine Musik drin. new skechers glide step Another plus is I haven’t felt off balance like I did with all the others. As when your ears get sweaty on long runs, if you adjust the buds the touch one pauses the music or podcast. The best part is, if my accident-proned child breaks them, they werent expensive to begin with. new skechers glide step What the material the use is very hard and durable and will definitely keep in scratches of it. Overall great pair of headphones for kids.
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