Und es gibt sogar noch mehr als nur blaue und rote Adiletten. Per the Kamik website, 73% of their products are domestically made and I wish these slippers fell in that category! gola cox Also, compared it recently to my friend’s Bose Bluetooth waterproof speaker and this JBL has a higher quality sound for sure. The sandals are gorgeous! gola cox I wore a knee length dress, these shoes were perfect with it. gola cox The sole is also made out of a different material. The container i received them in was not tight enough to stop all of the pieces from mixing- i thought maybe some of them came mixed that way by accident but when i shook the box myself, the red coral went everywhere. But this pair, New Balance, couldnt walk after an average 2/3 set 2 hour tennis match. gola cox Great choice to wear in summer and go outside for fun. It’s too late to return them, so in the trash they go.
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