Der Bass ist angenehm, nicht übersteuert, die Mitten auch, den Höhen fehlt es aber an Klarheit. Let’s get this straight, these headphones are fantastic value for money. lite stroller Spero che questa breve recensione sia utile e vi possa aiutare nella vostra scelta d’acquisto Ive had these before. lite stroller more than once. lite stroller Very disappointing as I really wanted these but I cant even stand to have them on longer than a few seconds. The sound is also very impressive, clear and loud with good all around EQ (of course a quality receiver and good speakers make a huge difference). I have purposely pushed these to the max because I wanted to see what they could do (they were cheap so why not?). lite stroller El auricular derecho pulsandolo fijo baja volumen, 1 vez pausa y 2 veces seguidos canción anterior. Top part of case could come off of the buds and get lost.
lite stroller