The spare battery was corroded and left a rust circle on the plastic case. Traction on bottom of shoe is not very good. air force 1 olivia kim 😕 Also I got those things that go over the heels to make them more stable because the actual heel on the shoe is very very narrow. air force 1 olivia kim My husband only wears Skechers and usually a 9. air force 1 olivia kim If you have narrow feet and your regular size in shoes is a half-size, it might be tricky to get a good fit. I almost did not want to use the towel just so it would retain the new doughy smell. Fits foot size the straps are a little big if your food it skinny. air force 1 olivia kim After ramping up my training for the London Marathon for the 2nd time this year I decided to make the plunge and give them a go to see if they really did make a difference. They sometimes leave my ears a little sore, but it isnt consistent enough to complain too much.
air force 1 olivia kim