Without them I can be on the interstate half way to the black hills and suddenly I have no bikes. Nothing can be that great so cheap, right? Since they were available with free returns I decided to givw them a try. by9923 Los tendrá que guardar para época de frío ya que son un poco calientes. these Nike shoes are just what my husband wanted. by9923 I find the construction strange every time I lace them up, then forget it completely once Im moving. by9923 e string instrument is detailed enough can maintain good sustain but lack some extension, snare drums lacks tiny bit of crispness). I highly recomenned them. Ive dropped my headphones a couple of times with the case on and it held up very well. by9923 Ive always worn a size 9 in womens and its never been a problem to just pick up a pair of size 9 flip flops without trying them on. I had to use an angle to fix it to the ceiling.