had behind camper and did not see when it happened. The soles were not dirty or scuffed at all! huarache nikes 👍 I read the reviews before ordering and was fairly confident that my hubby could figure out how to put it together. huarache nikes BUT - after wearing them for a week - the straps had cut so deeply between my first and second toes that I had to finally stop. huarache nikes Der Ausschnitt des T-Shirts - wie auf dem Bild - war leider etwas zu klein geraten, um es über die Schulter zu tragen. A great idea, but a total scam when you realise the battery is non-replaceable. That said, I got it to fill a perhaps unusual need. huarache nikes The webbing that goes in between the toes was so loose the sandals would barely stay in place while walking. Had I known how much space this thing has then I would have bought the smaller version.
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