After losing my old 500 and 600 earpieces in one week, I bought this and a 250 as replacements. I bought this valet rack for a rather unusual purpose - not for clothes but to display part of a suit of chain-mail and armor. jeff johnson nike It can fit 2 of my big phones (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge & Galaxy Note 4), which I wanted. I have not timed how long it takes to charge my phone in comparison to its dedicated charger, but I also havent noticed a difference to the point I felt like I needed to time it. jeff johnson nike But I do not recommend them if you have the headphones on your head. jeff johnson nike Okay, first let me me say that I already have the JBL Xtreme so I am alittle bias on the JBL brand. For its size and price youre getting a great deal. Cable looks and feels nice and durable but the connections between the wire and the earphone connection male port are utter garbage. jeff johnson nike I really like this waist trainer. I contacted the MotorFansClub for support through their website as directed, and they indicated they were unable to confirm my order even though I provided the order number.
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