Its just weird. But we’ll keep these because he’ll grow in to them and the shoes are cute. roshie runs Se siete alle prime armi, non fatevi forviare dalle pubblicità o dalla moda, se volete un ottimo prodotto allora comprate le Amperior! Edited. roshie runs Overall, the game does have its moments and Hikari herself was a joy to interact and spend time with, but the game just feels unfinished and unpolished. roshie runs I bought 1 for me and then went back and bout 2 more for gifts. I took the suggestions here and bought the size up from my 7. This is the second time I’ve purchased this item. roshie runs Do not recommend for palm grip unless you have very small hands, get the G603 instead. Sadly I decided to reorder them and in the smaller size and they were quite a bit more for size 5 so I’ll have to think about it.
roshie runs