They are very weak and do not hold 12kg weight as described. Also the case is teeny tiny so very convenient! womens chuck converse All I can say is that a listening break-in period probably helped. Luckily I read the reviews first and ordered half size less than my sons (and still they were a bit large! womens chuck converse For 35 dollar amazon shoes these are a good find. womens chuck converse The sound is perfect and it fits my needs very well. Basically my phone has three openings to be cleaned - the charge port, the speakers, and the microphone. Should have bought more than one pair. womens chuck converse I usually wear a size 6. Soundtracks und Klassik kann aber dennoch gut Spaß machen, ansonsten füttert er mich mit Indie, Blues, selten Doom, Stoner und 90er Thrash und Death Metal, oft Singer/Songwriter und (Smooth) Jazz.
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