Obviously, this isnt to say that the others didnt have their ups, but I would say that these MDR-1As certainly didnt have any downs (to my ears, at least). Der absolute Hammer. dupe for ugg fluff yeah The only thing is that after two years my former pair was losing its softness which is why I bought another pair and am donating my old, completely serviceable, pair to goodwill for someone who isnt as picky. but that is just greedy! dupe for ugg fluff yeah Much lighter green then in the picture of the product dupe for ugg fluff yeah You will quickly get used to adjusting the device by pinching by the sides, otherwise you will hit the controls. I have a medium width foot but narrow heels and rubbing can sometimes be a problem but so far not with these. I am always concerned that nightgowns will be tight but not this one. dupe for ugg fluff yeah I bought the adult version and they are comfy and soft. It shouldnt be a big deal, but I may try to find a piece of cardboard to put in between them.
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