The good: The mids and highs are very good imo. 81435 Replacement Cable for Sennheiser HD265/HD535/HD545/HD565/HD580/HD600 Headphones tizen maps If I were a 9. DOUBTFUL REVIEWSI was doubtful about this product when I saw a bunch of critical reviews saying these are not bone conduction headphones, and that they are just tiny speakers hidden behind plastic wrapping. tizen maps Consequently, the rods fall out easily. tizen maps Die "Muttern" sind viereckige Metallstücke die in einer viereckigen Kunststoffaussparung lagern. After searching came across these. La caja no tenia la pegatina con el número de serie, las almohadillas de goma de los auriculares quedaban con mas separación del anillo metalico (en los originales quedan casi pegadas, apenas hay una separación de un mm) y en algunas otras partes de goma se veian restos de goma del molde que no tendrian que quedar ahi. tizen maps • Case attracts lint. Excellent range, wonderful sound quality and pretty comfortable.
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