Gesamtbild leider äußerst negativ. So Ill forgive it ! wahoo kickr garmin forerunner The cable is now terminated in a connector that is screwed into the earcup - meaning no more soldering to replace a cable. On the day I bought it, I bought many outside lights and some waterproof type plugs and they were kind of a try it and pray it works. wahoo kickr garmin forerunner Fix the light issue and Id raise it up. wahoo kickr garmin forerunner Re-do the comfort and fit of these headphones, the "ski goggle" idea is cute but ski goggles arent supposed to be the holy grail of comfort, theyre designed to stay on your skull as you rip down a mountain, comfort is secondary. Mas para quem procura fone super alto esse não é o ideal Pretty & Comfortable & Sexy! wahoo kickr garmin forerunner They lasted all day on and off on one charge. I was willing to look past that cause i typically only keep one piece on at a time but i found out that only the right earpiece will work solo.
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