Ich empfehle unbedingt die Aufbauanleitung intensiv zu lesen, dann passt alles perfekt. Rest assured I would have happily paid twice what I paid for them they are that good! 01 730 7757 4083 No funcionaba. I will update if anything happens cause i wouldve said the same for my diamondback but for now, great mouse even for the price. 01 730 7757 4083 Die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut, die Steckdose und der Schnelllader passen sauber in die Montageplatte. 01 730 7757 4083 Works as advertised for us. So often, I get all excited about shoes only to be disappointed when they make my neuroma angry. Das macht den Life Q30 unheimlich bequem. 01 730 7757 4083 1chで周りの音もしっかり聞こえるので、一人でfpsをする分には完璧なヘッドセットだと思います。そして、付属のアンプは携帯やpcと繋いでゲーム音と同時に音楽やSkypeなどの音も聴けるので最高です。 I had some trouble figuring out how to put this together, as the only instructions were in the form of illustrations with no text.
01 730 7757 4083