So happy these came in! Ich habe meinem Mann schon etliche Paare an Hausschuhen gekauft und keines war das Richtige. ap royal oak frosted white gold My first pair of these had a malfunction with the bluetooth function but with the wire worked fine and I was impressed with the sound quality. Seem great so far. ap royal oak frosted white gold If this application is important to you, at least at this time, the FiiO would be a better choice since it can act as USB mobile DAC (though in my experience that was also finicky and a pain in the butt at times as well for reasons I wont go into). ap royal oak frosted white gold It came with a regular charger and I was looking for a regular charger to replace it with and not a "fast" charger. I would suggest some quality checks before an item is sent. A little big for my 12 yr old girls wrist but know that it wont connect to Cricket wireless phones. ap royal oak frosted white gold The break in period is at least 10 hours, and the improvement over the first 10 hours is incredible. They were originally $99.
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