Easy for her to put on herself. Were a shoes-off-at-the-door household and walking with just bare or socked feet on our hardwood and stone was making his feek hurt (feet issues run in his family) after about a month of just staying at home so I got these for him to have some comfy house slippers. stan smith velcro snakeskin Other than that they are very cute sandals, my toddler loves them. Assembly for this product was super easy. stan smith velcro snakeskin Wore them Sunday with expectations of having sore feet. stan smith velcro snakeskin No issues thus far. However, to recharge the unit was not straight forward because it was not easy to plug the cable to the recharge port. Only thing is it is not waterproof need additional waterprofing modification. stan smith velcro snakeskin If only 1 track is on each side the basket does not lay flat but angled up. Lots of colors and graphic designs to choose from.
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