Oft riechen günstigere Modelle impertinent und unangenehm nach Plastik und diversen Weichmachern. Good product, my sons loves it! nb 1540v2 Boom arm design is underwhelming. I can hold 3 bikes. nb 1540v2 I use these daily now. nb 1540v2 The price is fantastic and so is the comfort. We love the rubber sole to keep him from slipping (he still slips if he runs in them). Esta chankla producieron en vietnam son falso y me doblen pie. nb 1540v2 One issue Ive had is if I wear short socks the heal scraps the back of my ankle and can eventually break the skin and cause a scab. I’ve only had them for a week, but they have been great so far.
nb 1540v2