These sandals are great with good grip. A cute flat shoes, but I wear it for 2 hours sooo and I must change my shoes again because is soooo painfully in front of the shoes chilam tambaku ko dabba gana The rubber is hard at first that might also explain why they are loud when you walk on hardwood floors,. You can also use a little craft glue called Aleene’s Stop Fraying permanent fabric adhesive. chilam tambaku ko dabba gana So this one arrived today and it fits very well. chilam tambaku ko dabba gana Neither one of us had any trouble with heel strikes on the side flaps, but my 6-ft husband did say he had to adjust his footing just a bit to how he normally rides to avoid it, but said it wasn’t uncomfortable at all- just a different foot placement than if he were road riding alone. I’d share them myself but they wouldn’t differ from what you see. Also, the foam inside is cheap thin sheets of foam; not even close to memory foam. chilam tambaku ko dabba gana I did not know until I received the case that it is in two separate pieces. I have a working theory that it has something to do with the CTIA standard itself, because contrary to good engineering practice, that standard puts the mic line on the shell of the connector, which by all logic, is where the shield should be.
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