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to have some support for my feet, but these have ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT. They work fine but I’d never pay this much for them.
grey and red huaraches its pointless. Returned it and swore off HiFiMAN because of a poor support experience.
grey and red huaraches I am getting a raw spot where in make contact so I dont wear them for a couple of days and try again.
grey and red huaraches Got it due to cat chewing oldmone. They are manufactured in Crocs plants in Italy and Mexico, both of which are slated to close by the end of 2018, whereupon Crocs manufacturing will be entirely OUTSOURCED. The only snags are the lead is very long and has to be coiled up in a pocket, and I would prefer not to have the adaptor - I wonder why they dont put the small jack fitting on the end of the lead instead of the larger one which would mean the adaptor would not be necessary for an ipod.
grey and red huaraches Have been looking for a long time for comfortable wedding shoes. My advice to any1 is if ur feet are wide/THICC like mine, buy a size 2+ ur normal size.
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