Of course, the RGB is better than anything out there, and the included charging stand works well (and includes settings for lights changing based on various charging states). Save your money and buy direct from Nissan. pink off white laces Dont worry about bust size because this design sits right under them. I tried on one boot and sent the item back the same day it arrived. pink off white laces I do have a couple of gripes, namely: a) you wont get a notification that your battery is low, the earphones just shut off. pink off white laces The onboard EQs are good but I like the Balanced option with my iPhone EQ set to Flat. But thats not my only issue with it. Der Schuh ging zurück! pink off white laces I’ve also found that the DC’s are better from a comfort standpoint, which was the #1 thing I was looking for in a headset. Had them for about, a whole 4 months.
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